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Rideshare Accidents

01 – 04

Rideshare companies such as Uber and Lyft have become an increasingly popular form of transportation over the last few years. Unfortunately, the more popular Uber and Lyft become, the more likely passengers and other vehicles will be involved in accidents with these rideshare companies. However, what happens if you are involved in an accident with a rideshare company? The answer can be complicated depending on the particular scenario.

If you are injured as a passenger during an active ride booked through the Uber or Lyft app, you are entitled to sue these rideshare companies and seek compensation for your injuries. In this instance, Uber or Lyft’s maximum insurance policy applies and can potentially cover your claimed damages. The same applies if you are stuck by a rideshare vehicle while the driver is en route to pick up a passenger.

If a rideshare driver’s app is turned on and they are waiting for a ride request, rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have insurance limits which can potentially cover your claimed damages if you are involved in accident with a rideshare driver under these circumstances.

If the rideshare driver’s app is offline or turned off, your own insurance policy as well as the rideshare driver’s personal insurance policy applies.

Depending on the specific scenario and the level of applicable insurance can drastically affect your potential recovery. It is important to hire an experienced rideshare lawyer to navigate the legal complexities involved with rideshare companies and to obtain the maximum compensation that you deserve.

If you have been involved in an accident with a rideshare company like Uber or Lyft, and injured as a result, contact Platinum Injury Law.

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